I'm sure it won't be news to anyone reading this, but 2013 is a particularly special year for Doctor Who - its fiftieth anniversary, to be exact. At the time of writing - with filming due to start next month - speculations are wild for what the upcoming special story will be like. Will any the old actors who played the Doctor turn up - like in previous years? And what about including ones that are dead, or very old? Could there be other old guest stars, companions, monsters? What does Steven Moffat have up his sleeve?
Well, I don't have any answers*. But I do have my take on what such a special could be like...
It was back in the summer of 2010, and Matt Smith had just done his first 13 week run playing the Doctor (and only 13 week run, come to think of it!). Added to that, for the first time, the earlier Doctors were being released in toy form - fans could get a complete set of all eleven! In this era, where all the early years of the show are readily available and embraced, this sparked a lot of imaginations...
At the time, I'd done a few films with action figures. The Doctor versus the Daleks, that kind of thing, normally stop motion. With some of them, I'd put on voices - and because I'm rubbish at impressions, using sound clips from the TV show. If I was going to do a 'meetup' adventure of all of them - which was irresistable! - I'd have to make them talk to each other, and that meant using the original actors.
Yep, even Paul McGann! |
Some ideas I'd had from the start. Others came to me whilst I was collating possible voices - for the story has to be driven by what the characters are able to say, or else the whole thing feels manufactured. One thing was certain - I wanted to feature all the Doctors, taking an equal share of the lead role (a hard task in itself - that's eleven lead characters!). Although I didn't have much choice when it came to companions, as many weren't released yet - I chose Amy, as she was the current one, though I couldn't resist featuring K-9 and Captain Jack too. However, all the big monsters would feature, like in previous specials - so thanks to the range of toys, we had Daleks, Cybermen, The Master (with a rather hammy voice), Weeping Angels, Sea Devils, Sontarans, Autons... the works!
And whilst the plot was always going to be weaker than most, I tried to make it as much like a proper new series story as possible - whilst nicking the general 'quest' format from The Five Doctors, and with a few blatant homages to old stories along the way.
As it turns out, the series was really popular. About two months elapsed between the first and the last part (including a holiday, hence a slightly rushed editing on Part Two), with the production getting slicker as it went - the first part, with static figures in a dark room talking, is a little quaint now I look back. The whole thing totals an hour - pleasingly, about as long as a 'proper' episode!
Plus a short scene at the end, in the new TARDIS set - which has just come out when recording the final part! |
For more videos, before and since (I was going to follow this up with other invidual Doctor stories - but I only got as far as a dark Tom Baker tale!), see my Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/Aquatics64
And Babelcolour's 'The Ten Doctors' is highly recommended - like this, but made out of video clips. Highly accomplished!
(*though I'd expect something like the Doctor visiting his past - possibly solving a mystery, like the Silence stuff - and so we have quite a few references and cameos, but an actual storyline. Think Wedding of River Song crossed with a Who convention!)