In my local libraries, there's been some old Big Finishes popping up for
once - some of the earlier releases by the looks of it. And when I saw Spare Parts, I had to get it. It's my first 'main range' one I've listened to, I think.
story of Mondas in The Tenth Planet was always a little bit farfetched.
The idea is good, but Earth having a twin planet? And one that's just
like ours - presented here as having buildings and most of the
technology just like London in the 1950s - what are the chances? You can
tell why, in the new series when riffing off this story in Rise of the Cybermen, they decided
to go down the parallel world route instead.
But aside from that,
it tries to create a very realistic world, in a small scale and quiet
production too. There's an air of the Sylvester McCoy years in its real
world analogies - a secret police, call up papers, and in a setting of
post-war Britain.