Possibly the weirdest idea for a film in a long time, 'Warm Bodies' (out next week) is a post-apocalyptic tale of a teen zombie falling in love with a pretty human girl, who's part of the resistance. And he's eaten her ex-boyfriend. Yep - it's probably the second zom-rom-com around...
The two leads are terrific, especially Nicholas Hoult, who has to spend the film in zombie-makeup. It's surprising just how much we root for him, considering zombies have a top speed of twenty words a minute (excluding voiceovers).
Being a genre mash-up, it's got recognisable set-pieces from both romantic comedies and zombie horror. It could easily feel clichė, but surprisingly it doesn't, which is a testament to the makers of the film. But it's definitely primarily a comedy - and pretty funny, too.
The slightly stock nature of the plot at times could be a bad point, but it does help keep things light. It's a fun movie overall - perhaps let down by the lack of 'heart'. I guess that's obvious for a zombie movie, but these characters feel like they need to be fleshed out more. Besides that, it's pitched well for the audience (with some nifty effects, too), and should be a hit.
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